sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

miercuri, 19 mai 2010

miercuri, 31 martie 2010

Cum vor arata revistele pe iPad

iPad Sunset Mag Cover Spec from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Eye tracking studies

Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites.

1.Headlines draw eyes before pictures.

2. People scan the first couple words of a headline.

3. People scan the left side of a list of headlines.
When presented with a list of headlines or links, people will scan down the left side, looking at the first couple words, to find something they’re interested in. They don’t necessarily read each line beginning to end.
The implication is the same as before. Get your most mind catching words up front.

4. Your headline must grab attention in less than 1 second

5. Smaller type promotes closer reading. Larger type promotes scanning rather than reading.

6. Navigation at the top of the page works best.
The point may be that anything at the top of a page will be seen immediately. And since top navigation must be simple because of space limits, top navigation is probably much simpler to use.

7. Short paragraphs encourage reading.

8. Introductory paragraphs enjoy high readership.

9. Ad placement in the top and left positions works best.
Still - AD blindness tends to happen when people get used to seeing ads in a particular place. So even the prime upper left area won’t work so well if you always put ads there.

10. People notice ads placed close to popular content.

11. People read text ads more than graphic ads.
So people looking for information are looking for text, not pictures.
However, graphics can be useful for conveying information that is difficult to communicate in pure text, such as how something looks, mathematical information, before and after comparisons.

12. Multimedia works better than text for unfamiliar or conceptual information.
The more familiar they are with the subject, the faster and easier reading is.
If you’re trying to describe a process, for example, a video or illustration conveys this information better than text.

Source: directcreative.com

duminică, 21 martie 2010

Three minute rule

Take our three-minute rule as an example. You can learn a great deal about customers by studying the broader context in which they use your product or service. To do this, ask what your customer is doing three minutes immediately before and three minutes after he uses your product or service.

People are stories

People tend to think of themselves as stories. When you interact with someone, you're playing a role in her story. And whatever you do, or whatever she does, or whatever you want her to do, needs to fit into that story in some satisfying way.

duminică, 14 martie 2010

Carti numai bune de citit in calatorii

Ce carti sa citim cand calatorim?
Carti de business sau beletristica - important este sa citim ceva relaxant.

- The Tipping Point - Malcom Gladwell
- Portretul unei Doamne - Henry James
- Cei frumosi si blestemati - Scott Fitzgerald