2. When you arrive at a networking event you should find someone new to introduce yourself to. Avoid staying only with the people you know.
3. Remember why you’re there – to network. Focus on business.

4. Rather than telling a new contact all about yourself, spend your time asking them questions. It's amazing how much you'll learn!
5. Stop selling and start listening! When you meet someone for the first time, use it as an opportunity to get to know them. Begin to establish a relationship.
6. Share your experience and expertise with the other people;
7. Remember names, collect business cards.
8. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times. It will help you to remember it.
9. As a way of demonstrating your networking skills, introduce each new person you meet to at least one other person.
10. A networking event is not a time to see how many business cards you can acquire. Rather, it is a time to develop a few relationships that have potential
Source and more tips: www.workz.com
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