43% dintre utilizatorii online cunosc termenul de "behavioral targeting." (BT)
64% ar alege sa vada doar reclame care sunt relevante pentru ei.
51% nu sunt de acord ca advertiserii sa cunoasca ce au cautat ei pe internet.
Targetarea bazata pe comportamentul utilizatorului ajuta pe oamenii de marketing sa inteleaga mai bine consumatorii si pe agentii sa fie mai eficiente, sa aiba rezultate mai bune. Ofera editorilor posibilitatea de a segmenta continutul online in functie de tipurile de consumatori.
Sursa: Media Post
vineri, 31 iulie 2009
luni, 27 iulie 2009
vineri, 24 iulie 2009
10 characteristics of a point of view
Have a fresh point of view!
To stand out in a clutter, noisy, skeptical world wee need a singular perspective – a point of view – that distinguishes us and helps people better understand our companies and products.
A point of view sets you apart, speeds understanding and provokes conversations.
1.Engaging: evokes the response: “That’s interesting. Tell me more” – starts conversations rather than just informing
2.True: to be supported with facts, trend information, etc. The more evidence is to support point of view, the greater the likelihood that people will accept it as credible
3.Relevant: the more relevant the idea is to the intended audience, the more interested people will be.
4.Genuine: the organization has to believe the idea - truly
5.Fresh: the point of view doesn’t need to be original and new. It simply needs to be framed and expressed in a new way.
6.Connects the dots: - should connect to the business vision or strategy
7.Memorable: it sticks in a persons head, is easy to remember. The view should be simple and straightforward in concept and words.
8.: to be easy for the public to talk about it in their own words
9.Leggy: the idea resonate with multiple audiences, through multiple communication channels. The more legs a point of view has, the more you can build marketing and sales programs around it.
10.Likeable: do people like talking about your point of view? Is it so inspiring, provocative, brave or bold that they naturally jump into conversations about it?
To stand out in a clutter, noisy, skeptical world wee need a singular perspective – a point of view – that distinguishes us and helps people better understand our companies and products.
A point of view sets you apart, speeds understanding and provokes conversations.
1.Engaging: evokes the response: “That’s interesting. Tell me more” – starts conversations rather than just informing
2.True: to be supported with facts, trend information, etc. The more evidence is to support point of view, the greater the likelihood that people will accept it as credible
3.Relevant: the more relevant the idea is to the intended audience, the more interested people will be.
4.Genuine: the organization has to believe the idea - truly
5.Fresh: the point of view doesn’t need to be original and new. It simply needs to be framed and expressed in a new way.
6.Connects the dots: - should connect to the business vision or strategy
7.Memorable: it sticks in a persons head, is easy to remember. The view should be simple and straightforward in concept and words.
9.Leggy: the idea resonate with multiple audiences, through multiple communication channels. The more legs a point of view has, the more you can build marketing and sales programs around it.
10.Likeable: do people like talking about your point of view? Is it so inspiring, provocative, brave or bold that they naturally jump into conversations about it?
Beyond Buzz - Word of Mouth Marketing

Lois Kelly, 2007, Amacom, USA.
New marketing is about conversations – listening, having something new to add and talking like we mean it instead of hiding behind prepackaged corporate steak.
Marketing’s purpose is to involve customers, helping them to understand the value of an organization or product to their wants and needs.
The goal of marketing is not to assert conclusions, but to engage an audience in a dialogue, which leads people to discoveries of their own.
People should talk about your company!
To provoke conversations, have something interesting to talk about.

Studies have found that more customers participate in meaningful conversations and interactions with companies, the more likely they are to purchase a product or service and recommend it to others.
Why creating buzz and word of mouth ?
1. Less consumer trust in companies. Customers want straightforward communications that address their interests.
2. Technology has made possible to talk with people in many way. Today’s communicating is direct and informal.
3. The struggle to make sense out of so many choices and so much available information
photo source: Flickr
10 Tips to make the BEST out of a Networking Event
1. Believe strongly in who you are and what you do;
2. When you arrive at a networking event you should find someone new to introduce yourself to. Avoid staying only with the people you know.
3. Remember why you’re there – to network. Focus on business.

4. Rather than telling a new contact all about yourself, spend your time asking them questions. It's amazing how much you'll learn!
5. Stop selling and start listening! When you meet someone for the first time, use it as an opportunity to get to know them. Begin to establish a relationship.
6. Share your experience and expertise with the other people;
7. Remember names, collect business cards.
8. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times. It will help you to remember it.
9. As a way of demonstrating your networking skills, introduce each new person you meet to at least one other person.
10. A networking event is not a time to see how many business cards you can acquire. Rather, it is a time to develop a few relationships that have potential
Source and more tips: www.workz.com
2. When you arrive at a networking event you should find someone new to introduce yourself to. Avoid staying only with the people you know.
3. Remember why you’re there – to network. Focus on business.

4. Rather than telling a new contact all about yourself, spend your time asking them questions. It's amazing how much you'll learn!
5. Stop selling and start listening! When you meet someone for the first time, use it as an opportunity to get to know them. Begin to establish a relationship.
6. Share your experience and expertise with the other people;
7. Remember names, collect business cards.
8. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times. It will help you to remember it.
9. As a way of demonstrating your networking skills, introduce each new person you meet to at least one other person.
10. A networking event is not a time to see how many business cards you can acquire. Rather, it is a time to develop a few relationships that have potential
Source and more tips: www.workz.com
joi, 23 iulie 2009
Consultatii IT Gratuite - Caravana Computer Troubleshooters
Oricine poate participa la evenimentul descris mai jos.
Bring your laptops :)
Caravana Computer Troubleshooters.
Unde: Primaria Sector 4
Cand: Joi, 30 iulie 10.30 - 2:00 PM
"Caravana se adresează în primul rând publicului larg acordând consultaţii IT gratuite timp de 1 zi în fiecare oraş dar şi carduri de reduceri de 50% la reparaţii sau chiar gratuităţi, în funcţie de natura problemei. "
mai multe: www.prwave.ro
Bring your
Cand: Joi, 30 iulie 10.30 - 2:00 PM
mai multe: www.prwave.ro
miercuri, 22 iulie 2009
Sales Funnel
Sales Funnel - use of the metaphor of a funnel (wide at the top, narrow at the bottom) to monitor the sales process.
At the top of the funnel you have "unqualified prospects" - the very many people who you think might need your product or service, but to whom you've never spoken. At the bottom of the funnel, many sales and delivery steps later, you have people who have received delivery of your product or service and have paid for it.

The metaphor of the funnel is used because people drop away at each stage of a long sales process: For example, many of your unqualified prospects may have existing suppliers with whom they're very satisfied. Others may have needs which other competitors are better-placed to satisfy. Still others may love your products, but not have the budget to buy them.
Source for photo and text: Mindtools
joi, 16 iulie 2009
Motivarea oamenilor creativi

O carte gratuita de la Mark McGuinness - despre cum sa mentii si sa dezvolti nivelul de creativitate al oamenilor (sau personal) prin anumite tehnici de motivare.
Dedicata managerilor dornici sa dezvolte minti creative sau chiar pentru fiecare persoana care se considera creativa (oricine poate fi creativ - depinde de fiecare cum defineste acest lucru )
E-book gratuit il gasiti aici: www.wishfulthinking.co.uk
cum sa ai IDEI .. in 15 pasi

Creatia este ca un proces... de cateva etape:
1. Strangi informatii pentru tema data
2. Gasesti mai multe solutii variate
3. Te detasezi total de subiect/ problema in cauza (free your mind)
4. Iti vin idei..
5. Testezi ideile
Drew McLellan ne propune cativa pasi pentru a avea IDEI mari:
marți, 14 iulie 2009
luni, 13 iulie 2009
Top 5 modele avand continut online platit
Abonamentele la reviste digitale sau website-urile pentru care trebuie sa platesti par in continuare neincrezatoare pentru unii, totusi existe 5 modele online pentru care merita sa dai banii! - si care au succes.
1. PC Magazine Digital
2. BHG: Decorating Inspiration
3. American Patchwork and Quilting Inner Circle Club
4. Men’s Health Personal Trainer
5. People Celebrity News Tracker (revista - sub forma unei aplicatii pentru iPhone)
Mai multe aflati pe minionline.com
1. PC Magazine Digital
2. BHG: Decorating Inspiration
3. American Patchwork and Quilting Inner Circle Club
4. Men’s Health Personal Trainer
5. People Celebrity News Tracker (revista - sub forma unei aplicatii pentru iPhone)
Mai multe aflati pe minionline.com
duminică, 12 iulie 2009
Pozitionarea - lupta pentru un loc in mintea ta

Al Reis & Jack Trout
editura Brandbuilders, Bucuresti, 2004

"Pozitionarea nu este ceea ce faci cu un produs. Pozitionarea este ceea ce reusesti sa creezi in mintea beneficiarului. Pozitionezi produsul in mintea beneficiarului." (p. 16)
"Principalul scop al pozitionarii nu este crearea unui produs nou si diferit, ci manipularea a ceea ce exista deja in mintea consumatorului, refacerea unor legaturi deja existente" (p.19)
"Mintea consumatorului obisnuit este deja asemenea unui burete plin cu apa, care nu va reusi sa absoarba mai multe informatii decat inlaturand din cele existente." (p.21)
Mesajul simplificat la maximum:
In comunicare, ca si in arhitectura, mai putin inseamna mai mult.
- comunicarea unui mesaj cat mai simplificat
- renuntarea la ambiguitati
- selectarea materialul care are cele mai mari sanse de a patrunde in mintea consumatorului
Mintea umana rezerva cate o pozitie pentru fiecare informatie pe care o primeste. Ea respinge orice noua informatie care nu-si gaseste locul; accepta doar date noi care corespund situatiei prezente. Toate celelalte date sunt selectate si eliminate.
Oamenii vad lucrurile pe care le asteapta sa le vada.
George A. Miller, psiholog la Univ. Harvard este de parere ca mintea umana nu poate face fata la un numar mai mare de 7 (sapte) obiecte.
7 este numarul ideal de obiecte in listele care trebuie memorate (cele 7 minuni ale lumii, numere de telefon din 7 cifre, Alba ca Zapada si cei 7 pitici.
In general, pentru o categorie de produse, oamenii isi pot aminti pana la 7 brand-uri. (p.49)
Oamenii invata sa clasifice produsele si brand-urile in minte ca si cand le-ar aseza pe o scara si fiecare brand ar ocupa o treapta.
In cazul unei noi categorii de produse, trebuie realizat un nou clasament.
"Acest lucru poate fi dificil atunci cand noua categorie nu este pozitionata ca alternativa a celei vechi. Mintea nu ofera suficient spatiu pentru ceea ce este nou si diferit, decat daca se creeaza o relatie intre nou si vechi" (p.51)
Atunci cand ai intr-adevar un produs nou este mai bine sa-i spui consumatorului ce nu ofera produsul tau, decat sa-i spui ceea ce ofera. (expl. trasura fara cai - pozitionarea primului automobil).
Cum poti face fata unei companii cu pozitie puternica? Primul pas este sa recunosti valoarea adversarului. Nici o companie nu are sanse sa progreseze frontal in lupta cu pozitia liderului puternic (expl IBM).
vineri, 10 iulie 2009
Banner Concerts
Banca pentru tineri Axion din Belgia au realizat o campanie online cu filmulete in banner.
mai multe... pe IQads
Au reusit sa aiba o rata de click destul de mare: 20%.
mai multe... pe IQads
Au reusit sa aiba o rata de click destul de mare: 20%.

Mad about the Hatter
Tim Burton regizeaza filmul "Alice in Tara Minunilor" care va aparea in 2010.
Photografii de Mary Ellen Mark (Vanity Fair)
Johnny Depp - in rolul palarierului: The Mad Hatter
Singurul film animat despre Alice in tara minunilor a fost realizat in 1951 -by Disney.

Johnny Depp - in rolul palarierului: The Mad Hatter
Singurul film animat despre Alice in tara minunilor a fost realizat in 1951 -by Disney.
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